Sale of Bitcoins with OTC-Broker

For the past six months, I have been in contact with intermediaries who know either sellers or buyers of Bitcoins. Every time a deal fell through because either the procedure didn’t match, the buyer wanted to see the seller's wallet first, or the seller wanted to see proof of funds first. Sometimes, the issue was also with intermediaries who wanted higher commissions and were therefore unwilling to disclose the names of buyers or sellers. To address these major problems, I have developed my own solution.

First, I would like to briefly mention that I was the head of a government legal department for over 20 years, and everything was always handled with 100% confidentiality by me. For my correct and meticulous work, I was knighted by the Belgian King in 2005. The entry is visible in the Moniteur, the Belgian Official Gazette.

My solution is as follows: I am contacted by intermediaries who are either looking for a buyer or a seller. These intermediaries first provide me with their details and a copy of their passport so that this information can be recorded in a genealogy and an IMFPA-NCNDA. Intermediaries who bring a seller are on the seller's side and not on the buyer's side. This means that if the seller's side is closed, the deal will not be accepted. The intermediaries who contact me and offer a buyer are on the buyer's side. If the buyer's side is closed, the deal cannot be accepted. I would like to point out that I am in the middle of both sides, with half of my commission being paid by the buyer's side and the other half by the seller's side. Once the IMFPA and the genealogy are complete, I send a MASTER-NCNDA simultaneously to the seller or their representative and the buyer or their representative.

When I have both documents, the buyer’s documents are sent to the seller and the seller’s documents to the buyer. For this, I need the CIS from both parties. The genealogy and the IMFPA are then also sent to both sides so that the seller and buyer can sign them. Only active intermediaries are entitled to the full commission; those who only provide a name or phone number receive 50% of the active intermediary's commission. A maximum of four intermediaries may be involved on each side. In a deal with 12/8, there is a 4% commission for the intermediaries; clients receive a maximum of 1%, and intermediaries on each side also receive 1%, which they divide among themselves according to active intermediaries and tipsters.

The distribution of commissions is recorded in the IMFPA at the beginning and cannot be changed afterward. This means that the intermediary's brother or grandmother is excluded. By the way, it does not matter how many people cooperate with the intermediary; everyone is considered as one unit. Otherwise, I could also have an entire football team behind me and end up with 12 people, which would clearly be incorrect.

If you need my support, I look forward to your message.

Best regards,

Chevalier Willy

Information about the founder of this platform:

As the founder of this platform, Chevalier Willy acts as not only an intermediary, but also as a link between buyers and sellers. As a legal expert and programmer, he managed to build a network and develop a platform with leads. His contribution to this business is undoubtedly of great value for both those offering goods/services and those seeking them.

We would like to kindly inform you that 'Chevalier' is not his name, but rather his title. In the French tradition, 'Chevalier' refers to a knight or a deserving individual who has been knighted by the king. Therefore, 'Chevalier' is already a respectful form of address that does not require additional courtesy terms such as 'Mr.' Thank you for your understanding and consideration.